Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Display Board Die Storage

Hi!  Today I have a quick blog post and video on how I like to store my dies.

Do you have a lot of dies and find that it is challenging to store them or even locate a particular die?  Are all your dies in one box or bin stacked on top of each other, which isn’t good for them, it will dull their cutting blade.  I used to store my dies in those plastic envelopes everyone loves, and they were stored in bins.  I have my stamps stored this way too but with the dies this just did not work for me.  The bins were on a shelf and to get to my dies I would have to pull the bin from the shelf to look through and find what I needed but the bins were heavy, and I have a bad back, so I had to find a better solution.  For me, that was creating magnet boards that I could just flip through to find what I needed.
(Click Image for YouTube Video)
After transitioning almost all my dies to these display boards, it was surprising to see how many dies I really had.  Hmmm… is there a name for this illness?  There certainly isn’t any cure, because I keep buying more dies.  Not only did these display boards solve a problem but I couldn’t believe how much more creative I was with my dies because now I could easily flip through to see every die that I have quickly and easily.

Here is a short video on how I created my Magnet Display Boards.

As I mentioned in the video, these could be hung on the wall, if you do hang them, I recommend Command Picture Hanging Strips which won't damage your walls and will also allow you to take your boards down in tact if you ever need to move them.  Also a quick tip, don't discard the extra bit of magnet that you have leftover from the pieces that you cut down to 6-inches.  I use these small pieces in my stamp pockets to store my stamp and die sets together that way the dies don't all settle to the bottom of the pocket.

I hope this idea will help you organize your dies and that you will find a renewed love for them.  

If you have any questions please leave them for me in the comments section below and if you have enjoyed this post, please let me know.  

Let your imagination inspire your creativity!
Supplies Used:
Magnet Sheets

     All products used in my blog posts and videos are my own and purchased by me.  My blog posts, videos and opinions are not sponsored, and I am not paid by the product companies to create these posts and videos. The information provided in this video is my own personal endorsement and choice.


  1. Thanks for the tip! Very clever idea

    1. You're welcome Deb. Thank you for leaving a comment.

  2. Where did you purchase the magnetic sheets? Approximate cost please, love this.

    1. I have added a link at the end of the post for the supplies used. I hope that helps. Thank you for visiting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
